Online Submission Guidelines 

Please submit your works and documents to


1.  All works must be digital.

2.  Resolution must be 300dpi with minimum of  5 x 7" or 8 x 10" size.

3.  Image file formats must be jpg, png or tiff.

4.  Be sure the photos are in focus.  Use a tripod if necessary.  Experiment with settings on the camera for the best presentation of your work.

5. A professional photographer is not necessary for your submission.  A professional photographer will best represent your hard work and greatly increase your chances for winning the competition. If a professional photographer is used, they must sign and return a Non-Exclusive Photography License.

6. You must submit 5 specific photos of your work, a photo of yourself and one of your model. Examples below.

7.  Please create your file name upon the category you enter for.

CategoryFile Name
Flat Hand Painted Nail Art
3-D Nail Art
3D-1, 3D-2
Salon SuccessSS-1, SS-2
French TwistFT-1, FT-2
FiveStyle© Sculptured NailFSN-1, FSN-2
Chrome/StampingCS-1, CS-2
Salon Nail ArtSNA-1, SNA-2
Salon Pedicure Nail ArtSPNA-1, SPNA-2
It's All About the Bling!BLING-1, BLING-2


The photo requirements for Extension Category: (samples are below) 

All photos to be shot with black or white background only. 

Category: Salon Success

1 photoOne hand on a flat black surface, camera angle is from above.
“C” Curve
1 photoCamera angle is that of someone looking at the nails from the distal edge to the cuticle.

Sides both left and right
2 photosCamera angle is from the side of the thumb side and the pinky side and then reversed.
min. 2 photosCloseup of pink and white (cuticle to free edge) and thumb.

Category: French Twist / FiveStyle© Sculputred Nail

1 photoOne hand on a flat black surface, camera angle is from above.
“C” Curve
1 photoCamera angle is that of someone looking at the nails from the distal edge to the cuticle.
Sides both left and right
2 photosCamera angle is from the side of the thumb side and the pinky side and then reversed.
Individual Sides
min. 5 photosCamera angle is from the each side of the thumb side and the pinky side for each tip.
min. 5 photosClose-up of cuticle to free edge, underside and etc.


The photo requirements for Art Category: (samples are below) 

All photos to be shot with black or white background only. 

Category: Flat Hand Painted Nail Art / 3-D Nail Art / Chrome/Stamping / Salon Nail Art / Salon Pedicure Nail Art / It's All About the Bling!

1 photoNail Art all 5~10 nail tips in frame as tight as possible.
min. 3 photosEach a different part of the entry.
min. 2 photosClose up of the most detailed section you want us to see closely.


1. You must send 10-30 SECONDS video for overall impression(file name: Video-Overall) and/or any details you want to show in addition to the photo submission.

2. Overall impression (Enhancement/art): Overall impression video should cover all nails from cuticle area to free edge on all fingers. Go slow, and make sure to cover all aspects and angles. Your video

shouldn’t be longer than 30 seconds.

3. Detailed impression: This is an option for you to show any details you want to highlight to help judges. Please use properly zoomed in angles to shoot any detail, but make sure the video is clearly

focused. Your video shouldn’t be longer than 30 seconds each. 

4. Each size should not exceed 32MB. Resolution should be around 1920x1080px in .mp4 type. 

5.  Please create your file name upon the category you enter for.

CategoryFile Name
Flat Hand Painted Nail Art
3-D Nail Art
3D-1, 3D-2
Salon SuccessSS-1, SS-2
French TwistFT-1, FT-2
FiveStyle© Sculputred NailFSN-1, FSN-2
Chrome/StampingCS-1, CS-2
Salon Nail Art
SNA-1, SNA-2
Salon Pedicure Nail Art
It's All About the Bling!BLING-1, BLING-2