[On-site] Basic Manicure - Red

Judge 1

Nail Base - 5 Points

  • the nail base is even and smooth
  • the sidewalls of the nail base are smooth

Shape - 10 points

  • the shape is consistent finger to finger
  • the shape is proportionate to the hand
  • the shape enhances the model’s hands

Red Application - 10 Points

  • Red cream polish completely covers the entire nail (close to the cuticle and covers all edges)
  • the application is smooth, even and clean
  • the hairline tip is covered with red cream polish

Finish Work - 10 Points

  • the edges of the nails are smooth and finished
  • the nails are thoroughly clean (absence of dust)

Judge 2

Length - 5 points

  • the length, measured from cuticle to the free edge is consistent between matching nails (pinkie to pinkie, etc.) and in proportion to each other
  • the length appears balanced on the models hands

Surface Smoothness - 10 points

  • the entire surface of the finished nail is smooth and very shiny
  • nails are free from dull areas
  • there are no dips, bumps or high spots on the surface

Surface Structure – 5 points

  • the top surfaces of application is smooth and perfectly contoured
  • the bottom surfaces of application are smooth and perfectly contoured

Product Control - 10 points

  • Red cream polish is free of pooling at cuticles and lateral folds
  • Red cream polish is applied thin and evenly free of wrinkles and streaking
  • Red cream polish is completely dried

Judge 3

Cuticle Area - 10 points

  • the product is close to but not touching the cuticles
  • the model's skin at the cuticle area is in excellent condition (free from abrasions and product)

Lateral View - 10 points

  • Red cream polish at sidewall and surface is even and consistent
  • Red cream polish application at sidewalls is completely straight
  • the lateral view is consistent on all 10 nails

Underside of Nails - 5 Points

  • the underside of the nails are clean and free from the polish
  • the underside of the nails are free from dust
  • the underside of each hand should look the same

Overall Impression - 10 Points

  • the polish complements the model's hands
  • the polish application is complete and needs no improvement
  • all rules were followed


Scoring Guide 2 Hands

10 = Flawless
9 = Almost Flawless
8 = Very Good
7 = Good
6 = Above Average
5 = Average
4 = Below Average
3 = Poor
2 = Very Poor
1 = Unacceptable

Scoring Guide 1 Hand

5 = Flawless
4 = Very Good
3 = Average
2 = Below Average
1 = Very Poor

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