French Twist 

Judge 1

Lateral Structure - 10 Points

  • the nail enhancements align perfectly with the sides of the natural nails
  • if nail enhancements are oval in shape, the point at which the oval or stiletto begins is consistent
  • the arches of the nail enhancements are consistently placed

"C" curves - 5 Points

  • the curvature of the nail enhancements are symmetrical and consistent
  • the depth of curvature is a range between 40% and 50%
  • the percent of curvature enhances the model's nails
  • if nail enhancements are oval of stiletto in shape, consideration will be given for the apparent lack of curvature at the distal edge

Originality - 10 Points

  • the design is innovative (new and original)
  • the design is unique (different from other designs we have seen in the past and other entries)
  • the design exceeds expectation of originality

Cuticle Area - 5 Points

  • the product is flush to the natural nails and close to the cuticles
  • the model's skin at the cuticle area is in excellent condition (free from abrasions)
  • the model’s cuticles and underside of nails are not flooded with excess oil

Judge 2

Length - 5 Points

  • the length, measured from cuticle to the end of the extension, is consistent between matching nails (pinkie to pinkie, etc.) and in proportion to each other
  • the length is suitable for competition-style nail enhancements; a suggested range of a 1 to 1 ratio of nail bed to free edge is ideal, provided the length looks balanced on model's hands

Product Control - 10 Points

  • the product is completely free of air bubbles and pits
  • the color of the product is consistent  

Complexity - 10 Points

  • the design is challenging, demanding skill and effort
  • the design involves multiple techniques

Design and Balance - 10 Points

  • the design enhances the nails
  • are the colors and products used within the ranges specified
  • the design is well executed
  • various elements of the design are well-balanced, neither too sparse or too busy

Judge 3

Surface Structure - 10 Points

  • the top surfaces of the nail enhancements are smooth and perfectly contoured
  • the bottom surfaces of the nail enhancements are smooth and perfectly contoured

Shape - 10 Points

  • the shape is symmetrical and consistent individually
  • the shape is symmetrical and consistent together as a set
  • the shape compliments the model's hands

Finish Work - 5 Points

  • the surfaces of the nail enhancements are smooth and very shiny (absent of scratches)
  • the edges of the nails are smooth and finished
  • the nails are thoroughly clean (absent of dust)

Overall Impression - 10 Points

  • the design in complete and needs no improvement
  • the thinness is suitable for competition-style nail enhancements (the thinness of a business card, approximately .01 to .03 inches, is ideal)
  • no jewelry present on the model's hands or wrists
  • all competition rules were followed


Scoring Guide 2 Hands

10 = Flawless
9 = Almost Flawless
8 = Very Good
7 = Good
6 = Above Average
5 = Average
4 = Below Average
3 = Poor
2 = Very Poor
1 = Unacceptable

Scoring Guide 1 Hand

5 = Flawless
4 = Very Good
3 = Average
2 = Below Average
1 = Very Poor

Property of NAILPRO® Competitions ASIA ©2020 WATC®. All NAILPRO® Competitions ASIA rules are copywritten and all rights reserved.